Denis Kasyanchuk

THE BELL WEEKLY : Les coûts cachés de la guerre pour les Russes Membres Public

Le principal événement économique de l'année dernière en Russie a été l'incapacité des autorités à juguler l'inflation galopante. Même en portant les taux d'intérêt à leur niveau le plus élevé depuis plus de vingt ans, il n'a pas été possible de ralentir le rythme de la hausse des prix - de la nourriture aux services, en passant par les véhicules et les logements, tout est devenu plus cher.

Denis Kasyanchuk
Bulletins d'information

How Russia uses China to get round sanctions Members Public

Hello! We took a break last week to bring you a special newsletter on the shock news of the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Here is your slightly delayed weekly guide to the Russian economy. Our top story is about how China is helping Russia skirt Western sanctions. We

Denis Kasyanchuk

7 graphs explaining Russia’s wartime economy Members Public

Hello! Welcome to your weekly guide to the Russian economy — brought to you by The Bell. This week we have compiled 7 graphs that help explain how Russia’s economy has adapted to war time and why it’s proved to be so resilient in the face of sanctions. We

Denis Kasyanchuk
L'hebdomadaire de l'économie

Does the price cap on Russian oil actually work? Members Public

Hello! This is your weekly guide to the Russian economy — brought to you by The Bell. We are focusing on the G7 price cap on Russian oil and looking at some of the arguments about whether it works — or not.  Gauging the economic pain inflicted on Russia by the oil

Denis Kasyanchuk
L'hebdomadaire de l'économie

Russia’s big sanctions workaround Members Public

Hello! This is your weekly guide to the Russian economy — brought to you by The Bell. Our main story is an analysis of customs data that reveals how Russia is getting around Western sanctions by importing restricted goods via third countries. We also look at why, contrary to expectations, there’

Denis Kasyanchuk
L'hebdomadaire de l'économie

Russia’s economy is overheating Members Public

As summer draws to a close, we decided to take a look at some of the biggest issues facing the Russian economy. Despite wartime pressures, the economy has not collapsed (it has even given President Vladimir Putin a few chances to gloat). But there are also obvious problems. First and

Denis Kasyanchuk
L'hebdomadaire de l'économie

La lettre d'information de The Bell

Un regard de l'intérieur sur l'économie et la politique russes. En exclusivité dans votre boîte de réception chaque semaine.