Secret spending hits record level Members Public

The Russian government on Monday sent its 2025-2027 budget to the State Duma, outlining plans that will see defense spending hit a post-Soviet record at 6.3% of GDP. We wrote about the plans for another ramp-up in Russia’s military spending in Friday’s newsletter. The publication of the

The Bell

THE BELL WEEKLY: Russia’s unprecedented secret spending Members Public

Hello! This week we analyze Russia’s official spending plans for 2025 — the most classified budget proposal in history with record-high defense spending that neither the government nor business press are talking about. We also look at Vladimir Putin’s latest set of nuclear threats to the West. Secret spending

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Bulletins d'information

La Russie en passe d'établir de nouveaux records en matière de dépenses militaires Membres Public

Bonjour ! Bienvenue dans votre guide hebdomadaire de l'économie russe, rédigé par Alexandra Prokopenko et Alexander Kolyandr et présenté par The Bell. Cette semaine, notre article principal est une analyse approfondie du projet de budget pour les trois prochaines années. Nous nous penchons également sur les raisons pour lesquelles la rentabilité de Gazprom

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L'hebdomadaire de l'économie

Russia vs Darwin Members Public

School education in Russia remains a key area for reform among the authorities and legislators, seeking to embed a deeper nationalistic and conservative identity among the next generation. Recent proposals include introducing“chastity” lessons and removing English language classes from the curriculum. Now the Russian authorities, encouraged by the Russian

The Bell

Fusillade à Wildberries : Qui est qui dans la bataille pour l'Amazonie russe ? Membres Public

La saga des Bakalchuk, cofondateurs de Wildberries, le premier marché en ligne de Russie, a connu une escalade spectaculaire la semaine dernière, entrant dans une nouvelle phase dangereuse. Une tentative effrontée de Vladislav Bakalchuk de prendre d'assaut le siège de la société à Moscou s'est transformée en une fusillade qui a tué deux personnes et a vu plus de 30

The Bell

THE BELL WEEKLY: Battle for Russia’s Amazon turns deadly Members Public

Hello! This week we look at the deal that led to a deadly shootout at Russia’s top online retailer. We also pick apart proposals on banning the teaching of evolution in Russian schools. Shootout at Wildberries: Who’s who in the battle for Russia’s Amazon The saga of

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Bulletins d'information

New US sanctions hit mid-tier online providers Members Public

New US sanctions on the use of American software in Russia — agreed in June — have been in place since Sep. 12. The measures were designed to deprive Russian companies of access to business management, design and production tools. There were some exceptions in place to prevent undue disruption, but this

The Bell

Opposition financier accused of ordering attacks on Navalny allies Members Public

Russia’s opposition in exile has been hit by a monumental scandal, the likes of which may never have been seen before. Alexei Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation has accused Leonid Nevzlin, the billionaire former business partner of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, of organizing a series of attacks on the group’s key

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