Summer reading list Paid Members Public
Hello! Our usual weekly newsletter is taking a short vacation until next week. But fear not: to ensure you don’t miss out, we’ve put together a summer reading list of some of the most interesting recent articles about the Russian economy, the situation on the frontline and Moscow’
L'impact économique de l'incursion de l'Ukraine en Russie Payé Membres Public
Bonjour ! Bienvenue dans votre guide hebdomadaire de l'économie russe, rédigé par Alexander Kolyandr et Alexandra Prokopenko et présenté par The Bell. Cette fois-ci, notre article principal porte sur les retombées économiques pour la Russie de l'attaque de l'Ukraine sur la région de Koursk. Nous nous penchons également sur
Russians still tuning into YouTube despite block attempts Paid Members Public
Russia’s authorities are raising their game when it comes to blocking — or in their words “slowing” — YouTube. At the start of last week, users were complaining that it was almost impossible to watch clips on the platform in 4K resolution; by the end of the week several were finding
Repressive laws target immigrants, chatty soldiers and civil society Paid Members Public
Vladimir Putin last week signed more than 100 federal laws in a single day, several of which take Russia in an even more repressive direction, with new restrictions affecting migrants, servicemen, bloggers, individuals who work with foreign organizations and those who publicly report about protests. * Immigrants face a host of
Russia’s authorities distance themselves from Ukraine’s counter-invasion Paid Members Public
It has already been a week since Ukrainian troops and tanks crossed into Russian territory, opening a new offensive on the Kursk border region, a small territory in southwest Russia. Excluding some short-lived border raids by militia groups, this is the first full-scale military incursion by Ukraine’s troops since
Le boom des investissements en Russie pendant la guerre Payé Membres Public
Bonjour ! Bienvenue dans votre guide hebdomadaire de l'économie russe, rédigé par Denis Kasyanchuk et Alexander Kolyandr et présenté par The Bell. Cette fois-ci, nous nous penchons sur la croissance rapide des investissements que la Russie a connue depuis l'invasion massive de l'Ukraine. D'où vient l'argent ?