AI-powered internet censorship Members Public

Russia’s internet watchdog wants to use artificial intelligence to block access to restricted information on the Russian internet. AI should help the agency block unwanted content three times faster — within an hour of publication — and strike down content more accurately, the authorities say. * Russia’s Roskomnadzor communications regulator plans

The Bell

Unprecedented flooding unlikely to shake trust in Putin Members Public

The main topic in Russia over the last few weeks has been the catastrophic flooding in the Orenburg region in the southern Urals, along the border with Kazakhstan. In Orsk, rising river waters burst through a poorly constructed dam, completely flooding the city of some 200,000 people. A few

The Bell

Airlines told to roll out the red carpet for Russian soldiers Members Public

Only a few weeks have passed since Russian President Vladimir Putin said those fighting in Ukraine were his country’s “new elite”, but already the privileges and special status being afforded to Russian soldiers who have served in Ukraine are racking up. Russia’s aviation agency last week advised airlines

The Bell

THE BELL WEEKLY: Special benefits for Russia’s ‘new elite’ Members Public

Hello! This week we cover the growing number of special benefits and legal exemptions for Russian soldiers coming back from Ukraine. We also look at the authorities’ response to unprecedented flooding and plans to use AI to improve online censorship. Airlines told to roll out the red carpet for Russian

The Bell
Bulletins d'information

A landmark EU sanctions ruling? Members Public

Bonjour ! Bienvenue dans votre guide hebdomadaire de l'économie russe, rédigé par Alexander Kolyandr et Alexandra Prokopenko et présenté par The Bell. Cette semaine, nous vous parlons d'un arrêt très médiatisé de l'UE sur les sanctions, de ce qu'il signifie pour les milliardaires russes concernés et pour le régime de sanctions occidentales en général. Nous

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L'hebdomadaire de l'économie

Soviet dissident pursued by Putin in the Soviet Union arrested Members Public

A St. Petersburg court has detained Soviet dissident Alexander Skobov on charges of “justifying terrorism”. Skobov is a Soviet dissident who was twice committed to psychiatric hospitals for enforced treatment over his anti-communist stance. Vladimir Putin, then a young KGB officer, was involved in the cases against him in the

The Bell

The state’s flagship patriotic video game flops Members Public

The much-heralded launch of a state-funded patriotic adventure video game — set in 1612 and based on resistance to Polish forces waging war against Russia — has fallen flat. Critics said the game, The Time of Troubles, was boring and failed to compete with others on the market. * The game is based

The Bell

Russia hit by wave of xenophobia after biggest terror attack in 20 years Members Public

Central Asian migrants are facing a new surge in xenophobia after the Crocus City Hall attack. Gunmen, identified by Russian prosecutors as Tajik citizens, opened fire on concert-goers before setting the building ablaze in the worst terror attack in the country since 2004. More than 140 people were killed, including

The Bell

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