THE BELL WEEKLY: Xenophobia takes hold after Moscow terror attack Members Public

Hello! This week we look at a rise in xenophobia after the Moscow terror attack. We also cover a state-funded patriotic video game that became a multi-million dollar flop and a new case against an ailing Soviet dissident. Russia hit by wave of xenophobia after biggest terror attack in 20

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Bulletins d'information

Russia’s wartime wealth redistribution Members Public

Hello! Welcome to your weekly guide to the Russian economy — written by Alexander Kolyandr and Alexandra Prokopenko and brought to you by The Bell. This week our top story is about Russia’s ongoing redistribution of wealth – the biggest since the 1990s. We also look at the ballooning budget deficit.

The Bell
L'hebdomadaire de l'économie

How a car salesman became the biggest winner of the corporate exodus from Russia Members Public

The Bell has published a major investigation into Alexander Varshavsky — a car dealership owner who now controls the Russian assets of Volkswagen and Hyundai and is one of the biggest winners of the mass departure of foreign firms from the Russian market. * Alexander Varshavsky and his business partner Kamo Avagumyan

The Bell

Russian officials target Telegram over Moscow concert hall attack Members Public

Russian officials spent the first week after 144 people were killed in the Crocus City Hall terrorist attack looking for links to Ukraine and debating how to censor the Telegram messaging app, which has long served as a substitute for state news media in Russia. Among the ideas were proposals

The Bell

THE BELL WEEKLY: Will Russia block Telegram, again? Members Public

Hello! This week we look at Russian officials’ attempts to get more control over Telegram, the most popular messaging app in the country. We also provide a snapshot of a new The Bell investigation into one of the major Russian winners from the mass departure of foreign firms. Russian officials

The Bell
Bulletins d'information

Alexander Varshavsky: The car salesman who became the biggest winner of Russia’s corporate exodus Members Public

The mass departure of international firms from Russia has provided a golden opportunity for previously mid-ranking Russian business owners to jump into the ranks of the corporate elite. Nobody has taken better advantage of the once-in-a-generation chance to snap up profitable companies at massive discounts than Alexander Varshavsky and Kamo

The Bell

Russia feels the bite of secondary sanctions Members Public

Bonjour ! Bienvenue dans votre guide hebdomadaire de l'économie russe, rédigé par Alexander Kolyandr et Alexandra Prokopenko et présenté par The Bell. Cette semaine, notre sujet principal est la façon dont les sanctions secondaires imposées par l'Occident limitent la capacité de la Russie à faire des affaires. Nous nous penchons également sur la

The Bell
L'hebdomadaire de l'économie

THE BELL WEEKLY: Russia’s worst terror attack in 20 years Members Public

Hello! This week we look at the worst terror attack in Russia for two decades. We cover what happened at Crocus City Hall on Friday evening and how the authorities are responding. The shadow of the 1990s looms over concert hall massacre In the late 1990s and early 2000s, terrorist

The Bell
Bulletins d'information

La lettre d'information de The Bell

Un regard de l'intérieur sur l'économie et la politique russes. En exclusivité dans votre boîte de réception chaque semaine.