7 graphs explaining Russia’s wartime economy Paid Members Public
Bonjour ! Bienvenue dans votre guide hebdomadaire de l'économie russe, présenté par The Bell. Cette semaine, nous avons compilé 7 graphiques qui expliquent comment l'économie russe s'est adaptée aux temps de guerre et pourquoi elle s'est avérée si résistante face aux sanctions. Nous

Russia tries to trigger a migration crisis on its border with Finland Paid Members Public
Russia has belatedly responded to Finland’s accession to NATO by attempting to engineer a migration crisis along the two countries’ shared border. Russian border guards have begun to allow hundreds of refugees from the Middle East without proper documentation to cross the Russian border with Finland. Helsinki responded by

How Putin's economic aide cherry-picks data for his reports Paid Members Public
Maxim Oreshkin, Vladimir Putin’s economic aide, gave a major interview to the Moskovsky Komsomolets tabloid last week, in which he spouted figures showing that all is well in the Russian economy. He rarely resorted to using outright lies to make his argument, but he did cherry-pick and manipulate some

Russian authorities forced to save money on video surveillance Paid Members Public
As a result of the government’s budget deficit, the Russian authorities are keen to save money on anything they can that isn’t connected to the war effort or defense industry. This includes the creation of a national system of surveillance cameras, new plans show. Initially, Russia wanted to

The cost of a decade of confrontation Paid Members Public
Bonjour ! Bienvenue dans votre guide hebdomadaire de l'économie russe, présenté par The Bell. Cette semaine, nous tentons de dresser un bilan approximatif de ce qu'une décennie d'agression contre l'Ukraine a coûté à la Russie et à son économie. Nous nous penchons également sur l'attitude de l'Occident à l'égard de la Russie.

Russia’s authorities seek to label LGBT+ movement as “extremist” Paid Members Public
The Russian authorities stepped up their relentless campaign against the LGBT+ community last week as the justice ministry asked the Supreme Court to recognize the “International LGBT Social Movement” as “extremist” and ban it in Russia. Since there is no single organization that goes by that name, the move is