The Bell

The Ukraine war means Russia needs a digital ruble more than ever Members Public

Hello! This is Alexandra Prokopenko with your weekly guide to the Russian economy — brought to you by The Bell. Our top story is Russia’s digital ruble and why it could be of significant use to the Kremlin while it wages its brutal war in Ukraine. We also look at

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How does Russia’s drift toward totalitarianism affect the economy? Members Public

Hello! This is Alexandra Prokopenko with your weekly guide to the Russian economy — brought to you by The Bell. Our top story is the amendments to a military service law that entails a radical restriction on freedoms inside the country. We also look at why inflation is not falling as

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Real incomes keep on falling Members Public

Hello! This is Alexandra Prokopenko with your weekly guide to the Russian economy — brought to you by The Bell. Today, I am joined by The Bell economy reporter Denis Kasyanchuk and we’ll look at what’s happening to incomes and living standards in Russia. What risks does the current

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Arresting foreigners and the Kremlin’s search for leverage Members Public

Hello! This is Alexandra Prokopenko with your weekly guide to the Russian economy — brought to you by The Bell. Although it doesn’t fit our economics-focus, given recent developments, I believe it is most appropriate to start this week’s newsletter with the arrest of our friend and colleague, WSJ

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Russia has too few workers Members Public

Hello! This is Alexandra Prokopenko with your weekly guide to the Russian economy — brought to you by The Bell. In today’s newsletter, we focus on the dynamics of the Russian labor market where there is a growing staff shortage. We also look at how Russia became the biggest foreign

The Bell

Russia’s Journey Toward Economic Dependence on China Members Public

Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to visit Moscow next week. This is a traditional engagement: Russia is usually the first country any Chinese leader visits after his re-election. Moscow and Beijing describe their relationship as a strategic and comprehensive partnership and do all they can to emphasize a good

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